If you are a wholesaler or retailer and would like to set up an account with us, please email us at burwoodsales@southernfresh.co.nz with your company name and phone number, and we will be in touch.

No, you don’t! If you don’t have an account with us, simply head to our product page to purchase

We deliver all over New Zealand! Our customers are based from the top of the North Island right down to the bottom of the South Island.

Any orders placed before 10am will be dispatched the same day. However please allow 1 – 2 days for North Island delivery, and 2 – 3 days for South Island.“If your address is rural please allow an extra 2 days for delivery.”

A minimum order of 10 bunches is needed to fill our smallest box. Our most common amounts are between 10 – 30 bunches per box.

We only sell our flowers in bunches of 5 stems. See item descriptions.

Your order will be delivered on our preferred courier service Aramex New Zealand

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